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Saturday 21 August 2021

Femme Luxe Finery | August Edit

femme luxe finery
Disclosure: Ad: Paid Partnership with Femme Luxe

With the weather heating up this month and things opening back up again, I decided to include a couple of dresses and shorter tops on my Femme Luxe fashion edit this time! With the prospect of moving house to a 'doer upper' and also a couple of parties in the pipeline, I chose some items which could be suitable for a bit of DIY, lounging around and dressing up!

Wednesday 11 August 2021

What to Write in a Rude Birthday Card

Rude birthday cards are a popular choice for people who like to push the boundaries. Are you searching for something especially unique and memorable to put in your friend’s birthday card this year? Well, why not try creating your own custom rude birthday card to leave them with red cheeks and a smile from ear to ear. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your wit, racy humour, and general naughtiness. If you are struggling for inspiration, at Boomf they've got some excellent examples of your next rude birthday card message.

Boomf rude birthday card 3D dinosaur 
This is a collaborative guest post

Every year we spend time searching for the funniest, rude birthday card we can find for my brother in law - it has become a bit of a tradition and a definite expectation that the card we choose should be anything but boring...You'll usually know if your card recipient is fair game for this sort thing...

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