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Sunday, 27 September 2015

bareMinerals Blemish Remedy Foundation | review | Before and After

Bare Minerals blemish remedy foundation review before and after

Like most Mums, I don't have a lot of time in the morning for makeup - ironic, as now is the time in my life when I feel I need it the most! (Friends and family if you are reading this, just buy me shares in the production company for under eye concealer for xmas!)

I have suffered with 'problematic' skin for years and have used a range of bareMinerals foundations for a long time. I have always found them to be pretty fail proof. Being non-comedogenic they don't seem to cause any out-breaks for me and give that 'natural' look to the skin which is a huge plus.

bareMinerals Blemish Remedy Foundation | review | Before and After

Bare Minerals blemish remedy
A range of bareMinerals Foundations.

I was really excited to try the new bareMinerals Blemish Remedy Foundation - although my skin seemed to improve towards the end of my pregnancy and in the months after birth, now that Arthur is 8 months old my hormones are kicking back in with full force! 

This new foundation contains Aspen Bark and Teatree Oil to help promote clearer, healthier-looking skin. It also helps to reduce the appearance of facial redness and the look of pores whilst reducing oil and shine.

Although my skin is naturally very pale (I chose shade no.1 'clearly porcelain') it also has a lot of redness. I started off by applying a neutralizing primer which has a slightly yellow tone to even out my skin and correct the colour. Here are the before and after comparison pictures (un-edited and no filter) to show the difference that the primer on its own makes:

NB: The neutralising primer has since been discontinued - I am still looking for an alternative

Bare Minerals blemish remedy neutralising primer before and after

After applying the primer (with my fingers) in a thin, even layer, I then applied the Blemish Remedy Foundation using their usual 'Swirl, Tap, Buff' method with a brush. I find that the more you bush this into your skin, the better and more natural looking the result for a seamless finish.
Here are the before and after comparison pictures (un-edited, no filter) to show the difference that the foundation makes:

bareMinerals blemish remedy foundation before and after

Of course I could stop there, but as my skin is very pale, I like to add a bit of colour back in by using the Bare Minerals 'Warmth' ( a type of bronzer) and also some pink coloured blusher. I find this is a better way to make my skin look naturally warmer rather than choosing a darker foundation. I always choose a light shade and add the colour back in. I have also applied eyeliner and mascara to open up my eyes.
Here are the before and after comparison pictures (un-edited, no filter) to show the difference that the foundation makes when combined with a small amount of bronzer and blusher (plus I brushed my hair!!):

BareMinerals blemish remedy foundation review before and after photo

If I were going out for dinner or for a special occasion, I would also use one of the Bare Minerals 'radiances'  to add some light and luminosity to my skin. ( Pre baby I wore a radiance on my skin most days, but I don't usually have the time now!). I'd also use a natural lip plumper lip stick or gloss to give my lips a bit more shape naturally!

Bare Minerals blemish remedy clearly porcelain foundation review photos

I also don't have to worry about putting my face near to my baby's skin when wearing Bare Minerals - I know the foundation is made from natural ingredients and is also pretty good at staying put anyway!

Bare Minerals blemish remedy foundation review for acne and problem skin

This is so easy to apply I think i could probably do it with my eyes closed ( knowing I have the correct shade!) - this makes it super quick and easy to put on in the morning when getting ready with limited time.

Bare Minerals blemish remedy foundation clearly porcelain

For all the Mummies going back to work...this one's for you

Having a baby - the things they never told me about pregnancy, labour and motherhood

The diary of a 9 month old escape artist

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