Hello everybody! It's Arthur here, on a blog take over for the first time since my diary of a 9 month old escape artist...I can walk and everything now!

I've been wondering what I could give nanny Lyn for her birthday...
As you can see, she is actually a very young and glamorous looking Nanny, so she doesn't need lots of lotions and potions, nips and tucks...
She works really really hard, and lives very far away, so I don't get to see her much - I'd like her to have something that shows I've been thinking about her...which I have! Mummy laughs at me when I knock on the door to the spare room and call her name, "Danny Lynnnnn - where are youuuuu?"
There are lots of things that Nanny likes...
She loves going to the Gym ( or is that Jim?!)
She 'checks in' at the hairdressers even more than Mummy does - she must really love that!
She likes to drink wine at weddings and do silly dancing ( I saw a video on Mummy's phone)
She likes kisses and cuddles...
...and for everyone to remember important days and talk to her about important things so she doesn't forget how special she is...I think I've found the PERFECT present...
The book of everyone
It might sound a little impersonal, but once you put in the important dates, quotes and pictures, it is no longer a book of everyone, but a book of someone...and that 'someone' is my Nanny Lyn. I give you, the book of Madeline:
I got to choose the colour I wanted for Nanny Lyn's book, plus there are 4 different options for the finish: Digital, paperback, hardback and deluxe (and if you want to know what that last one is, you'll just have to go and have a visit of their lovely site to find out!):
I chose the paperback book, because you know, I like to rip stuff! No joy here though - total false advertising of the word 'paper', because it was much better quality than that and remained completely un-ruined by my little hands. Shame. Would have been nice to personalise it further!
The paperback book also included a digital version, so if you would like to have a nosy yourself at the EXACT book I made for Nanny Lyn, you can follow the link here: The book of Madeline.
They also have a choice of different books, depending on who you are buying one for:
Nanny Lyn is a few years away from the big 60, so the milestones edition wasn't an option for her - I really think they should do a 'book of grandparents' soon - little children like me really struggle to think of good presents, and this is perfect for Grandmas and Grandpas! What do you think??
The book was really easy to make, the first screen just asks you to fill in some important information like this:
Then your book will be formulated, including lots of amazing facts about the year your 'special person' was born, like this receipt that shows the price of shopping when Nanny Lyn was small:
It would appear that I have enough money in my moneybox to do a whole shop for a month!!!
You can add lots of personal details on certain pages within the book, such as this quote on the fridge:
The only requirement is that the subject of the book is over 1 year old - otherwise there just wont be enough information available about all of the amazing things that happened in the year they were born!
So what did Nanny Lyn think?? Here she is on her birthday after opening her presents:
" It was soooo lovely! so thoughtful and caring and also SO me!!! I was reading it and laughing at how accurate it was. What a nice present - thank you!"
Guess what??
Mummy will be giving one of these books away in a competition in the run up to Christmas, it would make a lovely xmas gift for someone special...make sure you follow the blog so that you don't miss out!
Disclosure: We received the book in return for an honest review